Saturday, August 27, 2011

Interesting Finding

A friend of mine brought something to my attention today:

Apparently "I" started another blog to tell more about what happened at my previous job here. Here is a copy of the one and only post on that blog (see for yourself at

-Tuesday, September 21, 2010

English teacher Uttaradit Explanation 2

Due to recent events, I am complelled to write about actual events relating to my former employer and boss in Uttaradit. But because this issue is so sensative I am using a new blog spot to protect myself against former boss and employer. To carefully detail the events I will research my daily journal and study the details pertaining to the firing of my former boss. After my research (3-4 weeks), I will post a new blog titled "Explanation 3". I have my reasons for why I am doing this, and those reason will be noted in the Explanation 3. Stay tuned.

I will still be using my old blog spot for all my travel adventures.

I'm intrigued! The problem is, I didn't write that. The picture is of Teay and me, but it is easily and publicly available through my picasa albums. The "full story" so to speak is rather interesting (in a watching a train wreck sort of way), but I have happily moved on to much better things. Teaching at the high school has been great, and having an ever-expanding roster of private class students has been fun and rewarding also!

So, I don't know who was impersonating me or what their motivation was or is, but just for fun I think I'll grade their performance and provide some suggestions:

First, I hope that I would come up with a better title than "English teacher Uttaradit Explanation 2", which sounds like a low-budget Steven Seagal movie ("explain

I think that the real me would probably not misspell "complelled" or "sensative".

I tend to refer to "blog spot" as one word -- "blogspot".

Unfortunately, I don't have a "daily journal" to refer to about my time here in Thailand, so that is out also.

This person also suggests that they will have a followup post available after 3-4 weeks of research, yet their original post was dated 21 September 2010, so apparently that never happened. ...Actually, I guess extremely overdue posts are
exactly my style, so I can't really fault them for that one.

However, I would remember to correctly pluralize the "reasons" that will apparently be noted in "the Explanation 3".

Finally, in regards to the photo, I'm way better at Photoshop than whoever decided to block out the eyes in solid black rectangles.

So all in all, nice try but no dice. Identity theft for mysterious purposes would be a little more worrying if it wasn't such incompetent identity theft...

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